I'm an avid swimmer, and one of the things I live for is swimming in fresh water lakes/ponds. I just got back from a swim at Snook's Pond in invigorating 55 degree water. The mild current set sun beams off the floor of the pond in strobe patterns that elevated my mind as I swam.
It's probably safe to say that there aren't many, if any, other swimmers out in mid-September in Syracuse, and the solitude enhances my peaceful feelings. It may not be for everyone, but this experience is what keeps me sane.
I have one tune to go on my album, and then I'll proceed to mixing and mastering.
This album is a true summary of who I am, in all of my weirdness. I've released a lot of albums, but this may be the first to capture that.
Look forward to sharing that with you, whoever you may be.